Elevate Your Passion
Barre Movement Teacher Training

125-hour Barre Fitness Alliance Approved Teacher Training

Reykjavík Training Dates
July 18th through 22nd 2024

(Early registration with discount code: BM2024 is open until July 1st)

(Early registration with discount is open until July 1st)

Luxembourg Training Dates
September 4th through 8th 2024

Why Choose
Barre Movement?

Barre Movement Teacher Training stands out from the rest, not only because it is the first BFA approved Barre Teacher Training outside of the US, but also because it offers an extraordinary educational experience that sets you up for success as a Barre Movement Teacher.

Teaching Barre Movement requires clarity, confidence, and a wealth of knowledge, as teachers guide and support clients with expert touch cues, strong foundational movements, and great musicality, creating a challenging yet secure experience akin to a classical Pilates class.

As a Barre Movement teacher, you possess the power to foster a community of like-minded individuals devoted to achieving fitness goals while embracing the joy of movement. Witness your students' newfound confidence and strength as they embark on this fun-filled journey, connecting with others and transforming lives—one Barre Movement at a time.

  • Our training curriculum is carefully curated, incorporating the latest industry insights and techniques. You'll learn the art of teaching barre in a way that's effective, safe, and empowering for all participants.

  • We believe in going beyond the physical aspects of barre. Our training emphasizes the important connection between the mind and body, empowering you to create transformative experiences that leave a lasting impact on your clients.

  • I’m committed to your growth. Throughout the training, you'll receive one-on-one guidance and constructive feedback, helping you refine your teaching style and build your unique teaching voice.

  • The training truly embraces a holistic approach to wellness. You'll explore elements of mindfulness, self-care, and inclusive teaching practices, equipping you to be a truly exceptional instructor.

  • Beyond the training, you'll become part of a supportive and vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Our network of instructors with a BFA certification spans the globe, providing ongoing support and networking opportunities to grow your career.

  • The learning doesn't stop after the training ends. I am constantly working on continuing education resources, workshops, and mentorship programs to help you evolve as an educator and leader in the barre community.

A few things you can expect from your Barre Movement training: 

  • You’ll join a fun and intensive in-person training program

  • You’ll study anatomical terms and concepts (pre-study + quiz)

  • You’ll master basic Pilates mat exercises (pre-study + in-person review)

  • You’ll learn how to teach an effective, fun + high-energy Barre class

  • You’ll be confident in your teaching knowledge and class cueing

  • You’ll practice the benefits of hands-on corrections to keep clients safe

  • You’ll listen to music and learn how your music can drive your class

There’s lots more we’ll cover, but rest assured that you’ll be supported throughout your training practice, with regular touch points + an online community where you can ask questions, talk about your applied movement and be 100% ready when it comes to finalizing your test-out video.

“When I first enrolled in this course, it was purely to deepen my practice. I had zero interest in teaching (I did barre for me)! …By the time it was done, I was dreaming up playlists and lesson plans, inspired to share this fun and thrillingly addictive workout with others.

Helga’s program is good, objectively. The content is comprehensive, her cueing spotless, her approach scrupulously methodical. And yet, the secret ingredient is Helga herself. Her incredible expertise, technique, and passion create a sort of contagious magic in class. It permeates the learning environment, leaving her students energized and hungry to advance until they can create it too.

This alone makes Barre Movement teacher training an invaluable experience for any lover of barre.”

– Erin, Teacher Trainee June 2023

Teacher Training
Dates 2024

July 18th–22nd 2024
September 4th–8th 2024

Reykjavik, Iceland
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Full Training price is EUR 2800
Early bird pricing options open until July 1st.

Meet Helga

Helga Theodors, owner and founder of Núna Collective Wellness Studio in Reykjavík, Iceland and creator of the Barre Movement teacher training program, was introduced to barre by a friend more than 14 years ago. Starting as so many others as a barre client, and discovering her passion for barre through committed everyday practice, she eventually found her way into teacher training. She soon discovered that this was her true life’s passion.

After years of running, aerobics and gym memberships, she realized the importance of moving with intention, alignment and respect for your body, things that barre uniquely affords. She learned to listen to what her body needed, learned how to translate that to her clients and saw the amazing benefits in herself and her clients day by day.

Helga owned a studio in Calabasas, California and was a studio manager and master teacher/trainer in Pasadena, California. Having gone through multiple different training programs herself, one based on the original barre techniques by Lotte Berk, with added benefits of kinesthetic learning of Jill Dailey, another with roots in Pilates, along with a 200hr Core Power Yoga teacher training, she decided to found her own studio, NúnaCo., after she moved to her native Iceland from a 13 year stay in California. She continues to develop her Barre Movement technique there, while introducing Icelanders to the benefits of Barre. 

She invites you in with open arms, strong intentions and deep connections so that you can become the best Barre teacher you can be. 


Who can become a Barre Teacher?

Truly anyone with the passion for movement and a love to motivate others can become a successful Barre Teacher.

Is the training only available in Iceland?

The training can be held where ever I am needed. The first Barre Movement Teacher Training was held in Luxembourg and our next one will be in Iceland the Fall of 2023. Reach out if you have any questions or are in need of a Trainer for you studio.

What happens after the 5 day intensive?

Your self study, observations + practice for your mini-mocks starts as soon as we are done with our intensive. It’s normal to take about 2 months after the intensive to be ready for your final test out video.

How do I become Barre Fitness Certified as well?

Once you are done with your training, you can apply to become a BFA certified teacher, similar to how the Yoga Alliance works.

What language is the training held in?

That all depends on the place and participants. A training held in Iceland with people from all over will be held in English. All the training materials are in English, but a trainee roster of only Icelandic participants will be held in Icelandic.

How will you support me during my training?

Rest assured that I am there throughout the whole process, available to read through your script and help support you when needed.

What is the BFA?

The Barre Fitness Alliance, Inc (BFA) serves as a resource for barre teacher training organizations, barre studios, barre instructors, and barre enthusiasts.  We have set the barre industry standards for our members to uphold, and provide a guide to find BFA- approved trainings, studios, and instructors who have met the BFA-set industry standards.  Through these measures, the quality of barre instruction is maintained, which benefits those in our industry, and the communities that we serve.  

Unique Classes


Personalized Attention


Empowered Teachers


Fun Community


Unique Classes / Personalized Attention / Empowered Teachers / Fun Community /

Have Questions?

Have any hesitations? Not sure this is the training for you? Want to know more about the training, myself, the studio or my process?

I am always available to answer any questions you might have, there really are no wrong ones, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, I’m here!